Well, I posted this in a comment section on a Facebook status from Wamza (http://www.wamza.com/index.php) had asking for websites and podcasts on Iowa music (https://www.facebook.com/wamzacom/posts/1338518342843701)....
Here's a list of websites and podcasts mentioned in the comments before me...
Pants Off Podcast - https://www.facebook/pantsoffpodcast/
Iowaves Music Blog - iowavesmusic.com
Pants Off Podcast - https://www.facebook/pantsoffpodcast/
Iowaves Music Blog - iowavesmusic.com
Grace's Notes - http://gracesnotes.com/
DSM Shows - http://dsmshows.com/
Culture Myth - http://culturemyth.net/
The Bigfoot Diaries - http://thebigfootdiaries.blogspot.com/
Band Bombshell - http://bandbombshell.com/
Des Noise - http://www.desnoise.com/
And here's my comment. It features some sites I've already talked about and some I plan on featuring in some articles in the future.
Thanks to Ashley Sampson and Wamza for mentioning my site - http://iowamusicshowcase.blogspot.com/
A lot of the podcasts and websites I mentioned before have already been posted, but here's some that weren't. Some aren't exclusively Iowa, but still have a lot of Iowa artists on them.
DSM Shows - http://dsmshows.com/
Culture Myth - http://culturemyth.net/
The Bigfoot Diaries - http://thebigfootdiaries.blogspot.com/
Band Bombshell - http://bandbombshell.com/
Des Noise - http://www.desnoise.com/
And here's my comment. It features some sites I've already talked about and some I plan on featuring in some articles in the future.
Thanks to Ashley Sampson and Wamza for mentioning my site - http://iowamusicshowcase.blogspot.com/
A lot of the podcasts and websites I mentioned before have already been posted, but here's some that weren't. Some aren't exclusively Iowa, but still have a lot of Iowa artists on them.
- Locusic - http://locusic.com/
- Little Village Magazine - http://littlevillagemag.com/category/arts-and-entertainment/
- Little Village Magazine - http://littlevillagemag.com/category/arts-and-entertainment/
- Underground Archives - http://underground-archives.com/iowa
- Iowa Homegrown Music - http://www.iowahomegrown.com/
- Iowa Blues Showcase Podcast - https://itun.es/us/Nl0gdb.c
- Lock n Load - http://locknloadshow.com/
- Omaha Stairwell Sessions - https://facebook.com/omahastairwellsessions/#!/omahastairwellsessions/
- Live at O'Leavers - http://www.liveatoleavers.com/
- All Lights Off - https://alllightsoffradio.com/
- Iowa Hardore - iowahardcore.blogspot.com
- Radio Free Iowa - https://facebook.com/radiofreeiowa#!/radiofreeiowa - http://www.podcastgarden.com/podcast/radiofreeiowa
- Iowa Block Radio - http://www.spreaker.com/user/iowa_block_radio
These are podcasts or website's per se, but you can hear plenty of Iowa music on them...
- DMMC on SoundCloud - https://soundcloud.com/dmmc
- Iowa Music Project on SoundCloud - https://m.soundcloud.com/user-69640984/sets/iowa-music-project
- Iowa Music Project on YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7LWes0JQmcFhoz4CTI9di7JDeg0wWMdz
- David Derong on SoundCloud - https://soundcloud.com/david-derong
- Fester Rage's YouTube Channel - https://youtube.com/user/unclefesterrage?
- Jazzman Joe's YouTube Channel - https://youtube.com/user/jazzmanjoe100
- Quad City Underground YouTube Channel - https://youtube.com/user/QuadCityUnderground
- GriffleTV YouTube Channel - https://youtube.com/user/griffletv?
- Iowa Metal Music internet radio station - https://www.radionomy.com/en/radio/iowametalmusic/share
- Iowa Rock n Roll Hall of Fame YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/iowarocknrollmusic/featured
Labels: alternative music, blues (genre), folk music, hip-hop, jazz, metal (genre), metal music, other podcasts, Other Sources, playlists, podcasts, punk, punk rock, rap, SoundCloud, Wamza, websites, YouTube
Labels: alternative music, blues (genre), folk music, hip-hop, jazz, metal (genre), metal music, other podcasts, Other Sources, playlists, podcasts, punk, punk rock, rap, SoundCloud, Wamza, websites, YouTube