Friday, August 5, 2016

Other Sources: Iowa Blues Showcase Podcast and the Best of the Blues in Des Moines website

Tom Gary has been part of the central Iowa blues scene for decades.

"Tom Gary is an extraordinarily gifted piano player and singer. He was born and raised in Des Moines where he learned the Blues in high school. He played professionally in college in 1982. Tom moved to Kansas City in 1986 and performed there until 1990 with Lonesome & Dangerous and with John Paul and the Hell Hounds. From 1991-1996 he performed with his own Tom Gary Blues Band in Des Moines and toured with his band in Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, and Kansas. In 1993 he founded the Central Iowa Blues Society in Des Moines. In 1999 he founded the Iowa Blues Hall of Fame in Des Moines. Tom resides in Storm Lake, Iowa where he is an Adjunct Professor of History at Buena Vista University and continues to teach a Blues Series he started in 2005."
(from a Chronicle Times article on The Tom Gary Blues Band)

And he puts all this to good use with a podcast, Iowa Blues Showcase Podcast, and a couple of blogs. One blog, Blues Historian, features the podcast as well as videos and insights that The Blues Historian cares to share. The second blog, Best of the Blues in Des Moines, is actually videos of blues performances in Tom's and my hometown of Des Moines.

Below I've featured an early episode of Iowa Blues Showcase Podcast and the most recent two as of the time of this writing. Below that, I've included the three most popular videos from Best of the Blues in Des Moines.

Blues Historian website featuring the podcast and articles on the blues by Tom Gary:

Best of the Blues in Des Moines featuring videos of live blues performances in Des Moines:

The Itunes page to subscribe to The Iowa Blues Showcase Podcast:

Facebook page for Tom Gary's Blues Army of Des Moines:

Central Iowa Blues Society:

Iowa Blues Hall of Fame:

A Storm Lake Pilot Tribune article on Tom Gary:

Other IMSC articles and podcasts featuring the blues:


Monday, August 1, 2016

Playlists: Random Iowa Music Spotify Playlist 4

Well, sorry, but I've been busy this past week going to family events, doing home improvement, and engaging in other middle-age-family-man-type affairs. So I didn't get a proper article done this weekend. Instead, you're getting one of my random Iowa music playlists again.

This coming weekend, I should have a proper article for you. But enjoy this playlist until then!

Other Random Iowa Music Spotify Playlists: