Friday, September 1, 2017

PLAYLISTS: New Iowa Music on Bandcamp 1

This is our first of many playlists featuring new releases from Iowa music from BandCamp.

This time around we feature indie pop, alternative folk rock, synth pop, and drony noise music!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Sorry! I have been helping the missus get the house ready to sell and get ourselves ready to move, so that why this is so late! Sorry again!

I was trying to decide what to do for my 50th episode for a while. I thought about doing my favorites, but I've played most of them already.

Then I saw that Brian Compos, for the Pants Off Podcast's 100th episode, had Brian Campos as the guest! I thought if he can get away with being so narcissistic, I could get away with being self-centered and playing a bunch of people I know.

So this episode features music acts that have either a friend of mine, a family member, or a family member of a friend.

Well, all except one. It has a member who has the same name as an old high school friend of mine. And I only found out last week that it wasn't his band!

So, yes, this episode once again proves it doesn't matter what you know or if you're talented.  Long as you have connections, you too - after 49 episodes and almost 3 years - could appear in one of my podcasts!

To download this podcast, right click on the link below and hit "Save as...":

Cover by Dan OlderMusicGeek using BitStrips