Friday, June 10, 2016

Playlists: Iowa Pride Hip Hop

My very first blog and podcast featured songs about Iowa by Iowans.

I tried to get a hip hop song or two on there, but was unable to get hold of any of the artists. I ended up putting links for for the hip hop tunes about Iowa.

But now I realized I could have just put up a playlist! So I have!

Below you will find The Iowa Pride Hip Hop Playlist featuring hip hop songs about Iowa by Iowa rappers. Enjoy!

Other IMSC posts and podcasts featuring hip hop:

The IMSC Iowa Pride podcast featuring songs about Iowa by Iowa artists:


Sunday, June 5, 2016

PLAYLISTS - "Fake" Iowa Bands!!

While looking for Iowa artists on Spotify, I came across a couple of fake Iowa bands! They reference our wonderful and beautiful state, but, it turns out, they are NOT from here! In fact, some aren't even from our country!

Well, it's time to out these fakers and expose their masquerade! So I present not one, not even two, but THREE playlists featuring all the non-Iowans that pretend to be us. So give it a listen, so you know who these would-be Iowans are!

And for the bands that hide their Iowa impersonations from Spotify, YouTube, and SoundCloud, I present their BandCamp music! Theses imitators think they can hide from us, but I have pushed them into the light!

One band, though, does not deserve to be associate with these other rascals. Iowa Park from Texas come by their name honestly, as Texas has a town by that name. So I give them a reprieve!

Links to all the bands are below.