Tuesday, March 3, 2015

EPISODE 5: The Early Birds

Sorry this is one is late. Afraid overtime on my day job, a flu bug, insomnia, and a mix up on music rights conspired against me!

On this episode, we feature all the artists who submitted their work without any prompting. They saw my posts about this podcast, and sent me their work without me asking them!

And I appreciate it that they are willing to let my podcast feature their music! Thank you very much, guys!

And if you would like to join the fun, just an audio file or link to me at iowamusicshowcase@gmail.com.

If you want to know about the song or the artist, just click on thename... 

Closing - Iowa Music Showcase closing by Dylan Boyle

All rights reserved by the composers and performers. Used by their kind permission.

To download:

I did get three songs from Bob Wissinger who played keyboards with a Des Moines band from the 1960s, Tommy T's Federal Reserve (https://www.iowarocknroll.com/inductees/45/tommy-tucker-the-esquires-federal-reserve/) (originally Tommy Tucker & The Esquires). Unfortunately, I couldn't get the rights to play any. But I managed to find one of their songs on YouTube! You can check it here - http://youtu.be/rCoBygXFHyY

Next episode: We celebrate St Patrick's Day with some Iowa Celtic music!

Iowa Music Showcase can be listened to and/or downloaded on the following sites:
Home page: http://iowamusicshowcase.blogspot.com/ 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Iowa-Music-Showcase/364796883703114
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/iowa-music-showcase 
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXMPcIaIvvs0Aj4zk2JbXdQ/feed
Bandcamp: https://iowamusicshowcase.bandcamp.com/
ReverbNation: https://www.reverbnation.com/iowamusicshowcase
Google+: https://www.google.com/+IowamusicshowcaseBlogspotPodcast
Tumblr: http://iowamusicshowcase.tumblr.com/
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/IAMusicShowcase/
Other websites:
Spotify profile: https://play.spotify.com/user/iowamusicshowcase
Spotify playlist: https://play.spotify.com/user/iowamusicshowcase/playlist/28c74Ooze3Wk9sH9VezvMf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamusicshowcase
Instagram: https://instagram.com/iowamusicshowcase